Monday 5 December 2011

Hiragana Song!

Here's a song which might aid you!

Extended hiragana! - Ga Za/Ba/Ya/Da

If you thought the hiragana to be over, think again! We can make new sounds out of the hiragana we learnt last time and extend to G/Z/D/B/Y.

To write these new characters, we use special character call ten-ten or dakuten which look much like quotation marks or a small circle.

As you can see, we use characters that you already know. Can you see the pattern? To make g we apply ten-ten to the k hiragana, for z we apply it to s hiragana, for d we apply it to the t hirgana, for both b and p we use the h hiragana.

So now we can write words like undou (exercise) or shinpai (worry)! The hiragana doesnt end there though as there is a few more sounds we can make by utilzing the ya/yu/yo hiragana.

By placing a small ya/yu/yo with with the ~i hiragana we can make a ~ya ~yu ~yo sound. For example if we want to write Ryu we need to use and then a small  to write りゅ (Ryu). If you mastered the previous hiragana then this should be really simple to remember, but you should still pratice them!

Heres the rest for your refence.

Starting with hiragana.

To start learning japanese, you first need to learn kana! There are 3 Sets of characters the japanese language uses:

  • Hiragana
  • Katakana
  • Kanji
  • Romanjii - spelling the sound with alphanumeric characters (like neko or nyan)
Hiragana is used to build up japanese created words, and katakana is used to build up forgin words like komputa (Computer).

First we will learn the hiragana! When you have learn them you can start writing out basic words in japanese :)

As with english, japanese has vowels although they are ordered differently. Instead of AEIOU, its AIUEO, and the sounds they make never change. Thus あ will always make an ah sound even when paired with consonants, for example  か makes the kuah sound.

Learning these is very important, as romanji is not commonly used and can end up confusing you. You shoud copy out each of these 50times and make sure you properly memorise them.

Here are some words! Read and then write out the romanji next to them.

  • にこ - Cat
  • いぬ - Dog
  • せんせい - Teacher
  • うま - horse
  • こんにちは - Hello (This is actually written with ha instead of wa! I'll explain this in grammar).
Write these in hiragana!
  • hune - ship
  • maru - circle
  • kuto - Spider
  • takai - expensive/tall!
Good luck! Pratice those hiragana!